• August 24, 2023
  • bhs-ahEditor
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Many buyers overlook the importance of homeowners insurance. However, there are many advantages of getting a homeowners policy. Whether you have owned a house for a while, or if you’re a new homeowner, having reliable homeowners insurance brings peace of mind and financial protection. 

A comprehensive policy can offer a wide range of benefits. In this article, we’ll delve into the key advantages of getting home insurance. Let’s explore the protective shield that a reliable homeowners insurance policy can provide for you and your property. Read on!

Safeguarding Your Home

The primary purpose of home insurance is to safeguard your home. It protects against devastating events like house fires or severe damage caused by hurricanes or tornadoes. Insuring your home at its total value is advisable, but 80% to 90% coverage is generally considered sufficient. Most policies cover minor damage, major damage, and complete replacement costs.

Preserving Detached Structures

Another aspect of homeowners insurance is coverage for detached structures on your property. This includes garages, sheds, fences, and even the dog house. Typically, coverage for detached structures is provided up to a certain percentage of the coverage limit for your main dwelling. However, you can customize your policy to obtain additional coverage for these structures.

Protecting Your Possessions

Create an inventory before obtaining home insurance. Make a list of all the appliances, furniture, electronics, and other personal belongings within your home that the policy would cover. If any of these items are damaged or destroyed in the event of a covered incident, such as a storm, you can receive partial or full reimbursement. 

Liability Protection

Homeowners insurance provides liability coverage. If a person gets injured on your property, this may cost tens of thousands or more in medical bills. In such cases, you could be held legally responsible. Liability protection safeguards you against costly lawsuits from incidents like a visitor being bitten by your dog. 

Loss of Use Insurance

If you’re unable to live on your property due to a covered incident, you may need to find alternative accommodation. This situation often incurs additional expenses for hotels, food, and travel. Fortunately, your homeowner’s insurance includes a loss of use component, which helps cover these expenses up to a certain limit. It’s important to recognize that home insurance offers more than just repairing physical damages like shingles. It also provides valuable support when you cannot reside in your home.
